Keys to Evangelism

Series 1 Season 23 Episodes

Rev Elaine Roberts presents a series of short practical tips to enable and empower you to share your... Read More


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Give Me 5

23 Episodes

Give Me 5

Season 1 Episode 1 2m

Rev Elaine Roberts gives us five simple questions to ask people, so that we can get to a place of opening up and sharing the Gospel with them.


Season 1 Episode 2 2m

We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Rev Elaine Roberts encourages us to listen carefully to people without interrupting, so we can tune in to the Holy Spirit and earn the right to speak.

How To Pray For The Lost

Season 1 Episode 3 2m

We can sometimes feel discouraged praying for the lost. Elaine Roberts shares another way we can pray with a thankful heart and prophecy over their life effectively.

Praying With Unsaved People

Season 1 Episode 4 2m

Ever find it awkward offering to pray for people? Elaine Roberts shares a simple way we can confidently offer to pray for those we meet.

Holy Spirit

Season 1 Episode 5 2m

Relationship with the Holy Spirit is vital. Rev Elaine Roberts encourages us to use our God given gifts of the Holy Spirit to witness to the lost.

Word Of Knowledge

Season 1 Episode 6 2m

Elaine Roberts explains that one of the reasons that the Lord has given us the gift of words of knowledge, is to touch people's hearts so they become open to hearing the Gospel.

Exercising The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Season 1 Episode 7 2m

How can we step out and be used by God? Rev Elaine Roberts invites us to be bold and use gifts of healing and working of miracles as a witness for Jesus Christ.

But I Have Questions

Season 1 Episode 8 2m

Every question deserves an answer. Elaine Roberts encourages us to go and research when we don't know the answer to people's questions and demonstrate that we are also on a journey of discovery with God.

Everyone Has A Story

Season 1 Episode 9 2m

How can we keep our testimony of coming to know Christ short and interesting? Elaine Roberts gives some great tips on how to do this.

Everyone Is On A Journey

Season 1 Episode 10 2m

We can all fear rejection. Elaine Roberts reminds us how Jesus was rejected, yet didn't take it personally.

Everyone Can Lead Someone To Christ

Season 1 Episode 11 2m

Doesn't matter who we are, we all can lead someone in the prayer of salvation. Elaine Roberts shares tips on how to do this.

Living Parables

Season 1 Episode 12 2m

Jesus often used parables to reveal what God and His kingdom is like. Elaine Roberts shares ways in which we can do the same with everyday examples to reveal God's power and love.

Speak Their Language

Season 1 Episode 13 2m

Language is so important. Elaine Roberts suggests we use language that doesn't alienate people and can be used as a bridge to Christ.

Mind Your Language

Season 1 Episode 14 2m

We do not want our language to be a barrier for people coming to know Christ. Elaine Roberts explains some really great ways we can share scripture and testimony without sounding scarily religious to non-believers.

Praying with People

Season 1 Episode 15 2m

Elaine Roberts demonstrates ways in which we can sensitively and respectfully offer to pray with and for people we meet.

Everyone Is A Divine Appointment

Season 1 Episode 16 3m

The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. Elaine Roberts reminds us that our seemingly coincidental meetings with people, are actually divine appointments planned by God.

Everyone for Discipleship

Season 1 Episode 17 2m

Elaine Roberts reminds us of Jesus' last words about making disciples and how we can help new Christians learn about their newfound faith.

In The Beginning

Season 1 Episode 18 2m

Some people have no concept of sin. Elaine Roberts shares ways in which we can explain man's accountability to God and the need of a personal saviour.

The 4 Keys of 4 P's

Season 1 Episode 19 2m

Preparation is key. Elaine Roberts uncovers the ways God's power can move more effectively when we pray, plan, appoint people and promote our events and what we do.

Silent Testimony

Season 1 Episode 20 2m

Want an interesting way to share a testimony and the Gospel? Elaine Roberts explains one way how to do this effectively and creatively.

Gospel Nights

Season 1 Episode 21 2m

How can we reach out to our local communities with the good news of Jesus Christ? Elaine Roberts suggests ways in which we can invite people to church or outreach event.


Season 1 Episode 22 2m

Door to door evangelism is not as scary as it sounds. Elaine Roberts encourages us that many people come to faith as a result of Christians knocking on their front door and sharing the love of Christ.

If You Don't Tell Them, Who Will?

Season 1 Episode 23 2m

Want more ideas on how to spread the word that Jesus is alive? Elaine Roberts gives plenty of ways in which we can share the Gospel effectively in our community.