TBN Presents: Mitch

Series 2 Seasons 10 Episodes

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5 Episodes

Letters from the Front Lines: I am the Bread of Life

Season 2 Episode 1 27m

Jesus promises to sustain and satisfy us. Mitch focuses on the words of Jesus as He describes the cost of being His follower.

Letters from the Front Lines: I am the Light of the World

Season 2 Episode 2 28m

Jesus declares himself as light. Mitch speaks about how incredible light is and how necessary it is for life.

Letters from the Front Lines: I am the door

Season 2 Episode 3 25m

Jesus says He is the door to freedom. Mitch explains how Jesus is the key to life, the one who gives us meaning and purpose.

Letters from the Front Lines: I am the Good Shepherd

Season 2 Episode 4 27m

Jesus spoke into the culture of His day and used the example of a shepherd caring for his flock. Mitch describes what this means for us today.

Letters from the Front Lines: I am the Vine

Season 2 Episode 5 25m

We all have a part to play in the commission Jesus gave us. Mitch looks at how when we are connected to Jesus, we produce good fruit in our lives.

5 Episodes

What Is Evangelism?

Season 1 Episode 1 24m

Evangelist Mitch, co-founder of Crown Jesus Ministries, starts a new series of talks titled "The School of Evangelism".

What Is An Evangelist?

Season 1 Episode 2 28m

Mitch continues his series on the school of evangelism by looking at what is the work of an evangelist.

What Is The Gospel?

Season 1 Episode 3 29m

Mitch continues the school of evangelism series by looking at the Gospel - its meaning, and biblical examples, and practical applications of sharing it.

Sharing Your Best Testimony

Season 1 Episode 4 28m

In the fourth part of Mitch's school of evangelism, he takes a look at testimoneis - what is a testimony, and how do we share it?

Methods of Evangelism

Season 1 Episode 5 28m

Mitch concludes the series on the school of evangelism by looking at how we can put into practice what we've learnt in this series.