Behind the Stories

Series 1 Season 6 Episodes

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6 Episodes

Richard and Pauline - Part 1

Season 1 Episode 1 30m

Richard and Pauline Fleming chat with Andrew Phillips about what it means for them to give their lives to work for God

Richard and Pauline - Part 2

Season 1 Episode 2 31m

Richard and Pauline Fleming continue their chat with Andrew Phillips about what it means for them to give their lives to work for God

Graham Ormiston

Season 1 Episode 3 30m

Graham Ormiston chats to Andrew Phillips about how God can use online content to reach people where they are

Florence Joseph

Season 1 Episode 4 26m

Florence Joseph shares her heartfelt journey of dedication to serve the Kingdom of God, sharing about her role in the prayer and administration team, bringing the message of Christ to countless viewers everyday.

Mayomi Anuwe

Season 1 Episode 5 27m

Mayomi Anuwe sits down with Andrew sharing his journey of relying on the Holy Spirit for his work at TBN UK and putting his hope in Christ 100%.

TBN UK Staff

Season 1 Episode 6 33m

Hear from members of the TBN UK staff as they share about what working at the channel means to them.