The Word: One to One

Series 1 Season 39 Episodes

Richard Borgonon goes through The Word One to One, a resource designed to walk you and your friends... Read More


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John's Overview

39 Episodes

John's Overview

Season 1 Episode 1 27m

Richard Borgonon introduces the series and begins with looking at the famous passage of John chapter 1.

Warm Up Act for a Hero

Season 1 Episode 2 15m

Richard Borgonon sets the scene and we are introduced to John the Baptist and his role in making way for the Messiah.

The Hero We've Been Waiting For

Season 1 Episode 3 19m

Jesus is the lamb of God. Richard Borgonon talks about the beginning of the disciples’ journey with Jesus.

Jesus Arrives with a Bang!

Season 1 Episode 4 19m

What is significant about the way the book of John is written? Richard Borgonon delves into the first miracle Jesus performed; the water tuning into wine at the wedding at Cana.

Jesus in Action

Season 1 Episode 5 23m

What happens when Jesus is full of zeal? Richard Borgonon looks at the reasons why Jesus overturned the tables in the temple.

God's King Arrives

Season 1 Episode 6 22m

Richard Borgonon invites us to discover what the prophets say about the Messiah and the reactions of the people as they saw Jesus’ signs and wonders.

No Entry Except Through Jesus

Season 1 Episode 7 16m

While speaking to the Pharisee Nicodemus, Jesus explained salvation to us. Richard Borgonon unpacks why Jesus was sent to the earth.

An Amazing Offer

Season 1 Episode 8 22m

Richard Borgonon looks in depth at the gifts God gives us and the significance of the story of Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well.

Worship Revolution

Season 1 Episode 9 10m

What does God want? Richard Borgonon explores what it truly means to worship God wholeheartedly.

Responding to Jesus

Season 1 Episode 10 21m

Jesus shocked the disciples by speaking to people who were not deemed appropriate according to Jewish custom. Richard Borgonon shares why people, like the Samaritan woman, often became the strongest believers and evangelists.

God At Work

Season 1 Episode 11 22m

Richard Borgonon looks at why Jesus performed miracles on the Sabbath and how Jesus invites us to a place of rest and a relationship with Him.

Evidence that Demands a Verdict

Season 1 Episode 12 14m

Not everyone accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Richard Borgonon studies the language Jesus used to prove and give evidence of who He is.


Season 1 Episode 13 22m

How does Jesus prepare us for what we really need? Richard Borgonon examines the parallels of God feeding His people on the way to the Promised Land, and Jesus feeding the five thousand.


Season 1 Episode 14 20m

Richard Borgonon looks again at the evidence for the identity of Jesus Christ, as the Jewish leaders question Him continually.

Mixed Responses

Season 1 Episode 15 20m

How did people react to Jesus and His message as the news spread about Him? Richard Borgonon also explores how Jesus responded to different people.

Who Jesus Is

Season 1 Episode 16 27m

Jesus had to answer more questions from the Jewish leaders about where He came from, Richard Borgonon shares what it means for people who reject Jesus as the Son of God.

The Light of the World

Season 1 Episode 17 20m

What does Jesus mean when He calls himself the light of the world? Richard Borgonon unpacks why John dedicates a whole chapter to Jesus healing a blind man.

Jesus - The Shepherd Who Calls His Sheep

Season 1 Episode 18 21m

Richard Borgonon looks at the significance of Jesus’ teaching about being the good shepherd and what qualifies us to be His sheep.

Jesus' Flock

Season 1 Episode 19 18m

When the religious leaders questioned if Jesus is the Messiah again, Jesus started talking about sheep again. Richard Borgonon delves into what it means to be a part of His flock.

The Death of Lazarus

Season 1 Episode 20 14m

Richard Borgonon sets the scene as Jesus heads out to raise Lazarus from the dead. Richard Borgonon invites us to discover the purpose of the miracle.

The Dead are Raised to Life!

Season 1 Episode 21 22m

Richard Borgonon takes a closer look at Jesus’ compassion and grief at the death of His friend, Lazarus, as this account reveals how much God loves us.

Life Comes Through Death

Season 1 Episode 22 25m

Mary knew who Jesus was and poured out an Alabaster jar of perfume on His feet. Richard Borgonon unpacks the underlying meaning behind this act of precious worship.

Why Jesus Must Die

Season 1 Episode 23 22m

The very reason the Son of God came to the earth was to save us from sin. Richard Borgonon looks at the claims Jesus made about His death.

The Need to be Washed

Season 1 Episode 24 18m

Why was it so shocking that Jesus washed His disciple’s feet? Richard Borgonon reveals why we all need to be washed by Jesus to be saved.

True Glory

Season 1 Episode 25 11m

How does glory come about with the death of God’s Son? Richard Borgonon breaks down the reasons for Jesus’ death on the cross.

Question Time

Season 1 Episode 26 15m

Richard Borgonon explores Jesus’ responses to Peter’s questions about the timing of His death and resurrection.

Believing Changes Everything!

Season 1 Episode 27 20m

Anyone who has seen Jesus, has seen God the Father. Richard Borgonon talks us through Jesus’ own reminder to His disciples about who He really is.

Global Impact

Season 1 Episode 28 10m

Richard Borgonon explores Jesus’ plans to make the good news of the Gospel available for the whole world.

Jesus - The True Vine

Season 1 Episode 29 20m

What is our part in spreading the Word of God? Richard Borgonon studies the analogy of Jesus being the true vine.

What To Expect

Season 1 Episode 30 14m

How will the world respond to us as God’s people? Richard Borgonon shares why Christians may experience suffering and persecution during their lives.

The Holy Spirit's Work in the World

Season 1 Episode 31 18m

Why was it to the disciples advantage that Jesus went back to Father God in heaven? Richard Borgonon looks at the work of the Holy Spirit and the reasons for Him coming.

Deep Joy!

Season 1 Episode 32 14m

The disciples grief is promised to turn to joy when Jesus comes back to life. Richard Borgonon discusses why our joy cannot be taken away.

Jesus Prays

Season 1 Episode 33 21m

Jesus was in communion with God the Father continually. Richard Borgonon studies the prayer Jesus prayed before His trail and crucifixion.

Betrayal and Arrest

Season 1 Episode 34 25m

Jesus boldly declared who He was to the armed soldiers who came to arrest Him. Richard Borgonon also delves into Jesus’ response to the questioning before His death.

The Trial

Season 1 Episode 35 25m

Richard Borgonon talks us though the charges and allegations brought before Jesus and looks at the way Pontius Pilate responded.

Mission Accomplished!

Season 1 Episode 36 28m

Jesus was the ultimate sacrificial lamb of God. Richard Borgonon reads through the Crucifixion and unpacks the events that took place during the course of the punishment.

Can You Believe It?

Season 1 Episode 37 24m

Did the resurrection of Jesus really happen? Richard Borgonon takes us through the eye witness accounts of Jesus appearing to the disciples after his burial.

Feed The World

Season 1 Episode 38 24m

Jesus made breakfast for His disciples after being raised from the dead. Richard Borgonon explores Jesus final words to Simon Peter about feeding His sheep.

Using the Resource

Season 1 Episode 39 22m

Sharing the Gospel will set our faith on fire. Richard Borgonon talks about The Word One to One, a resource designed to walk us through John's Gospel.