Essential Christian: Leading Edge

Series 1 Season 12 Episodes

During Spring Harvest, Sim Dendy, the senior leader of Freedom Church, Romsey caught up with some in... Read More


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Cris Rogers: Making Disciples

12 Episodes

Cris Rogers: Making Disciples

Season 1 Episode 1 27m

During Spring Harvest, Sim Dendy, the senior leader of Freedom Church, Romsey caught up with Cris Rogers, to hear how we can be a healthy disciple ourselves before we go and make disciples.

Celia Appiagyei Collins: Agents of Change

Season 1 Episode 2 29m

Leadership begins with a burden. Sim Dendy speaks to Celia Apeagyei Collins about how we can be agents of change and inspire others with a sense of significance.

Patrick Regan: Mental Health

Season 1 Episode 3 25m

Sim Dendy sits down with Patrick Regan to hear how the church can lead the way reaching out and bringing hope to our community.

Anne Calver: Getting Close To God

Season 1 Episode 4 26m

How can we cultivate an intimate relationship with God, even when we go through difficult and heart-breaking situations? Sim Dendy speaks to Anne Calver to hear testimony from infertility, miscarriage and miracle pregnancies.

Paul Weston: Relationships

Season 1 Episode 5 26m

How can we bring a real sense of community to our church? Sim Dendy chats to Paul Weston about how we can invest and build relationships with people in our church.

Anthony Delaney: Delegation / Sharing The Load

Season 1 Episode 6 27m

How can we delegate better and be less stressed? Sim Dendy speaks to Anthony Delaney about how we can share the load and be effective disciples.

Pete & Nicki Sims: Leading in Community

Season 1 Episode 7 26m

Working together can enable us to be more fruitful. Sim Dendy talks to Pete and Nicki Sims about reaching the local community and connecting heaven to earth.

Lea Milligan: Social Justice

Season 1 Episode 8 26m

How can we put love in action? Sim Dendy speaks to Lea Milligan about being leaders who open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.

Gavin Calver: Passion & Vision

Season 1 Episode 9 27m

Inherited faith counts for nothing. Sim Dendy catches up with Gavin Calver and speaks about how we can make our faith journey our own.

Yemi Adedeji: Unity & Diversity

Season 1 Episode 10 26m

We are called to be all things to all men. Sim Dendy hears from Yemi Adedeji about bringing unity and embracing diversity in the church.

Cathy Madavan: Communication

Season 1 Episode 11 25m

How can we be effective communicators? Sim Dendy sits down with Cathy Madavan and talks about the power of speaking out about our faith and how our words can change the world.

Sheridan Voysey: Resilience / Grit

Season 1 Episode 12 26m

Sim Dendy talks to Sheridan Voysey about how we can overcome obstacles in our faith and build up emotional strength and determination.