St Andrew's Literature Festival

Series 1 Season 5 Episodes

The St Andrew's Literature festival brings togetherChristian authorsand storytellers to share the na... Read More


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Claud Jackson

5 Episodes

Claud Jackson

Season 1 Episode 1 30m Wed 25 Sep 10:00

In his book "Guns to God", Claud Jackson describes how at 6 years old, he held a gun in his hand for the first time. After drug dealing and working as a professional criminal for 20 years, Claud exchanged his lifestyle for a life alongside Jesus. Instead of a gun, he now holds a Bible.

Ruth Rice

Season 1 Episode 2 30m Wed 02 Oct 10:00

Ruth Rice has a background of teaching and is passionate in seeing churches turn themselves and their great habits of welcome, care and prayer inside out to reduce isolation and increase wellbeing in every community. In her discovery of finding peace and wholeness,Rut has written "The A-Z of Wellbeing".

Andy Bannister

Season 1 Episode 3 30m Wed 09 Oct 10:00

Andy Bannister is an author and evangelist who is passionate to get the gospel to outside the four walls of the church. In his book "How to talk about Jesus without Looking Like an Idiot", Andy explores easy ways to talk about the true meaning of life with friends and family.

Lauren Windle

Season 1 Episode 4 30m Wed 16 Oct 10:00

Public speaker and journalist, Lauren Windle, has been wrestling with the question of how it can be possible to be a Christian, and a feminist. She has written this book, to present the reality of "Being a Woman in a Church Led by Men".

John McGinley

Season 1 Episode 5 30m Wed 23 Oct 10:00

Whilst others see a decline in church settings, John McGinley sees hope! In "The Church of Tomorrow" John describes a future of something more diverse, more spirit-filled, more confident in the Gospel, calling, equipping and sending people to make disciples in all nations.