TBN UK Presents Emma Stark

Series 1 Season 5 Episodes

Spiritual gifts are weapons of war. Be empowered and enabled to operate in the power of the Holy Spi... Read More


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Weaponised by Heaven

5 Episodes

Weaponised by Heaven

Season 1 Episode 1 27m

Spiritual gifts are weapons of war. Emma Stark wants us to be empowered and enabled to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit to free people from the enemy.

All Can Prophesy

Season 1 Episode 2 27m

Everyone can hear the voice of God! Emma Stark invites us to be radically empowered to hear His voice, because no one is overlooked or left out from connection with the Lord.

Essentially Spiritalliance

Season 1 Episode 3 27m

It is our responsibility to activate ourselves in spiritual gifts. Emma encourages us to wake up our co-labouring capabilities with God and fan into flame our Godly gifts to improve our spiritual life.

Essentially Spirit

Season 1 Episode 4 27m

Emma Stark shares how we tend to think of ourselves as flesh and bone with a hidden spirit inside. But we are primarily spirit beings with an outer shell of flesh. This truth will change your world.

God Communicates

Season 1 Episode 5 27m

Emma Stark challenges our thinking about how we see God. God is not British and His first language is not English. We must learn the diverse and creative ways He communicates with us from angelic meetings to visionary encounters.