TBN's 50th Anniversary

Series 1 Season 4 Episodes

In this four-part 50th Anniversary Docuseries, hosts Matt and Laurie Crouch guide viewers on the fif... Read More


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Part 1: Responding to God's Voice

4 Episodes

Part 1: Responding to God's Voice

Season 1 Episode 1 51m

What prompted TBN founders Paul and Jan Crouch to leave their secure and comfortable life and livelihood, and step into the unknown to pioneer Christian television?

Part 2: Overcoming Challenges

Season 1 Episode 2 53m

What challenges and obstacles did Paul and Jan Crouch face as they sought to establish Christian stations across America and the earth to share the good news of God’s love to individuals and families everywhere?

Part 3: Waking Up to Opportunity

Season 1 Episode 3 51m

For millions across America and around the world, the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) is synonymous with Christian television. It began on May 28, 1973 with one small part-time local TV channel, and over the past fifty years has grown into the largest faith-and-family broadcaster, and the most watched and requested Christian television network on earth. But how did it happen?

Part 4: Carrying on a Legacy

Season 1 Episode 4 53m

Matt and Laurie Crouch speak about how they continue journeying with Jesus to spread the gospel through TBN, all across the world.